Thursday, July 15, 2010

百药讲坛 @@珊瑚藻@@

coralline seaweed
用法简单。先把珊瑚藻泡清水1-2 小时,捞起后用清水冲洗干净备用。
1. 简单凉拌:切成小段,配合新鲜蔬菜,加入沙拉酱后搅拌即可食用。。
2. 凉口果冻:切成小段,配合龙眼肉,红枣煮沸后沥出水份加入蜂蜜与鱼
3. 炖煮汤料:可加入绿豆,花生,海带,少许川芎和当归炖或煮排骨做汤饮
Coralline seaweed is a great production from the nature ego system. It contains high quality of protein, collagen, and amino acid. Is good to produce strong bone, bueatying skin and joint fluid and also help to fight against toxin. To build up a stronger body resistance. It can prevent advance ageing on skin retrogression, bone and restrict moving joint problem. It’s a good product for you to look for.
Usage is simple. You can use it to mix with vegetable, make as ice jelly and even cook with pork rib to serve as a soup. Try it now….

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