Sunday, November 23, 2008
海带富含人体必需的矿物质营养, 如磷, 镁, 钠, 钾, 钙, 碘, 铁, 硅, 锰, 锌, 钴等,还有甘露醇和维生素B1, B2, C等多种物质, 有些是陆生蔬菜所没有的, 同时它还含有丰富的牛磺酸, 对保护视力和维护大脑功能, 头发的生长, 润泽, 乌黑, 光亮,调节体液的平衡都具有特殊的功效.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Select the correct medication, would be the best treatment, especially for traditional Chinese medicine.
Chinese medicine to serve the time under the conditions and the nature of the drug to set. Most of the drug should be taken after meals, especially the drug benefit (such as ginseng), stomach medicine (for example, Bupiyichang pill) and gastrointestinal irritation of the larger drug (such as mannose disinfection tablets); drugs and insecticide-treated (Such as Wu Mei) and some medicine for diarrhea (such as Dachengqitang), when taken on an empty stomach is good; soothe the nerves in the category of traditional Chinese medicine should be taken before going to bed. However, whether in the medication before eating or after a meal, should have half an hour to 1 hour intervals, so as not to affect efficacy.
In general, oral medicine usually takes 3 times a day. The disease can ease the daily oral 2; disease and serious more drastic action, according to a doctor's instructions, every 4 hours or so a medication that does not stop at night so that the drug continued to help alleviate the symptoms more quickly To alleviate the condition.
Most of the dose of Chinese medicine should take the temperature, sweating medicine to be medicine to help serve hot, heat and cold medicine after taking the best release.
Select the correct medication, would be the best treatment, especially for traditional Chinese medicine.
Chinese medicine to serve the time under the conditions and the nature of the drug to set. Most of the drug should be taken after meals, especially the drug benefit (such as ginseng), stomach medicine (for example, Bupiyichang pill) and gastrointestinal irritation of the larger drug (such as mannose disinfection tablets); drugs and insecticide-treated (Such as Wu Mei) and some medicine for diarrhea (such as Dachengqitang), when taken on an empty stomach is good; soothe the nerves in the category of traditional Chinese medicine should be taken before going to bed. However, whether in the medication before eating or after a meal, should have half an hour to 1 hour intervals, so as not to affect efficacy.
In general, oral medicine usually takes 3 times a day. The disease can ease the daily oral 2; disease and serious more drastic action, according to a doctor's instructions, every 4 hours or so a medication that does not stop at night so that the drug continued to help alleviate the symptoms more quickly To alleviate the condition.
Most of the dose of Chinese medicine should take the temperature, sweating medicine to be medicine to help serve hot, heat and cold medicine after taking the best release.
百药讲坛 @@黄芪,炙北芪 [ 山西北芪 ]@@
黄芪, 炙北芪 [ 山西北芪 ]
[ Astraglus membranaceus Bge ]
用于消渴症[糖尿病], 常与生地,麦冬,天花粉,淮山等药配伍。
黄芪有强心作用,扩张血管作用,降低血压和改善皮肤血液循环作用。能增强机体低抗力,增黄芪, 炙北芪 [ 陕西北芪 ]
用于消渴症[糖尿病], 常与生地,麦冬,天花粉,淮山等药配伍。
[ 以上所述只供参考,运用因个人情况而定。]
huang qi [黄芪 ]
huang qi is sweet in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and attributive to the spleen and lung meridian. It medical actions is to invigorate yang, benefit the lung to strengthen the body, promote dieresis and relieve edema, relieve skin infection and promote tissue regenerateion.
It is usually combined with dang shen [党参 ], ren shen [ 人参], bai zhu [白术 ], huai shan [淮山 ], fu shen[茯神 ], dang gui [ 当归] , chuan xiong [川芎 ], qi zi [杞子 ] , long yan [龙眼肉 ].
To strengthen the lung function and benefit the qi circulation to regenerating red blood cell.
[ Astraglus membranaceus Bge ]
用于消渴症[糖尿病], 常与生地,麦冬,天花粉,淮山等药配伍。
黄芪有强心作用,扩张血管作用,降低血压和改善皮肤血液循环作用。能增强机体低抗力,增黄芪, 炙北芪 [ 陕西北芪 ]
用于消渴症[糖尿病], 常与生地,麦冬,天花粉,淮山等药配伍。
[ 以上所述只供参考,运用因个人情况而定。]
huang qi [黄芪 ]
huang qi is sweet in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and attributive to the spleen and lung meridian. It medical actions is to invigorate yang, benefit the lung to strengthen the body, promote dieresis and relieve edema, relieve skin infection and promote tissue regenerateion.
It is usually combined with dang shen [党参 ], ren shen [ 人参], bai zhu [白术 ], huai shan [淮山 ], fu shen[茯神 ], dang gui [ 当归] , chuan xiong [川芎 ], qi zi [杞子 ] , long yan [龙眼肉 ].
To strengthen the lung function and benefit the qi circulation to regenerating red blood cell.
致于产后调养, 话说孕妇的身体状况为产前一团火,产后一块冰。
生产后的孕妇应摄食多样饮食,做到营养丰富,当然以补益精气为主。适当补充机体缺乏的营养物质。如当归,党参,北芪,野山人参,野山泡参,龙眼肉,红枣,南枣,杜仲,冬虫夏草,桂花,高丽参等。此外产后的孕妇应忌寒凉,生冷,冰水,零食等。以防产后肥胖,水肿,身体底抗力降低。[ 以上诉述只供参考,运用要依个人情况而定]。
致于产后调养, 话说孕妇的身体状况为产前一团火,产后一块冰。
生产后的孕妇应摄食多样饮食,做到营养丰富,当然以补益精气为主。适当补充机体缺乏的营养物质。如当归,党参,北芪,野山人参,野山泡参,龙眼肉,红枣,南枣,杜仲,冬虫夏草,桂花,高丽参等。此外产后的孕妇应忌寒凉,生冷,冰水,零食等。以防产后肥胖,水肿,身体底抗力降低。[ 以上诉述只供参考,运用要依个人情况而定]。
百药讲坛 @@玉竹 [ 海竹 ]@@
玉竹 [ 海竹 ]
玉竹原名为葳蕤[wei rui] ,又称萎蕤。长于养阴,补而不腻,适用于内热燔灼,耗伤肺胃津液等症候。养阴之功与麦冬,天冬相似。但麦冬可清心,天冬能滋肾,玉竹则专治肺,胃燥热,三者各有所长。
[ 以上所述只供参考,运用因个人情况而定。]
yu zhu [玉竹]
yu zhu is sweet in flavor, slightly cold and attributive to the lung and stomach meridians.
It medical actions is to nourish yin and moisten the dryness, regenerate the body fluids to relieve thirst.
For dry cough with less sputum due to yin deficiency and lung dryness. It is usually combined with sha she [沙参], maim eng dong [麦门冬].
For febrile disease with consumption of the body fluids manifested as fever accompanied with restlessness, it is usually combined with shen di [生地], mai meng dong [麦门冬].
For diabetes due to internal heat, combined with shen di [生地], tian hua fen [天花粉], shi hu [石斛].
It usage and dosage is about 15g – 30g in used in decoction for oral use.
玉竹原名为葳蕤[wei rui] ,又称萎蕤。长于养阴,补而不腻,适用于内热燔灼,耗伤肺胃津液等症候。养阴之功与麦冬,天冬相似。但麦冬可清心,天冬能滋肾,玉竹则专治肺,胃燥热,三者各有所长。
[ 以上所述只供参考,运用因个人情况而定。]
yu zhu [玉竹]
yu zhu is sweet in flavor, slightly cold and attributive to the lung and stomach meridians.
It medical actions is to nourish yin and moisten the dryness, regenerate the body fluids to relieve thirst.
For dry cough with less sputum due to yin deficiency and lung dryness. It is usually combined with sha she [沙参], maim eng dong [麦门冬].
For febrile disease with consumption of the body fluids manifested as fever accompanied with restlessness, it is usually combined with shen di [生地], mai meng dong [麦门冬].
For diabetes due to internal heat, combined with shen di [生地], tian hua fen [天花粉], shi hu [石斛].
It usage and dosage is about 15g – 30g in used in decoction for oral use.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
百药讲坛 @@菊花@@
菊花 [ 野菊,白菊花,野甘菊 ] 长寿花[Chrysanthemum morifolium ramat ]本品为菊科植物及变种的头状花序。性味:甘,苦,微寒。入肺,肝经。功效:疏散风热,明目,清热解毒,平肝阳。用于外感风热,发热,恶寒,头痛等症。常配与桑叶同用。用于热盛烦躁,可配与黄芩,山枝子。用于目赤肿痛,可配与白芍,白疾藜,蝉衣。用于肝阴不足,眼目昏花,可配与生地,杞子。用于疮疡肿痛,可配与金银花,蒲公英,地丁草或捣烂外敷。用于肝阳上亢或高血压所引起的头痛,目眩,头胀,头晕。可配与珍珠母,勾藤,天麻,杜仲,山查,野玫瑰花,石斛。菊花一药,主要分为黄菊,白菊和菊。黄,白菊花都有疏散风热,平肝明目,清热解毒的功效,白菊花味甘,清热力弱,长于清肝明目。黄菊花味苦,泄热力强,用于疏散风热,野菊花味甚苦,清热解毒的力量很强。现代药用研究:有降低血压的做用。有抑制流行病毒与病菌,真菌的做用。[ 以上所述只供参考,运用因个人情况而定。]
Ju hua [菊花]Ju hua it medicinal properties is pungent, bitter and sweet in flavor, slightly cold in nature and attributive to the lung and liver meridian.It’s medical actions is to expel wind and clear away heat, clear liver fire to treat eye disease, and eliminate toxic substances.To clear expel wind and clear away heat, its common mix with jin yin hua [金银花], suan ye [桑叶], gan cao [甘草].To clear away liver fire to treat sys disease, its common mix with suan ye [桑叶], Bo he [薄荷], bai sao [白芍], shen di [生地].To eliminate toxin substances, it’s common mix with jin yin hua [ 金银花 ], chan er zi [ 苍耳子 ], bu gong yin [ 蒲公英 ], di ting cao [ 地丁草 ], gang cao [ 甘草].Usage and dosage is about 10g – 30g is used in decocting for oral use, or soak in boiling water as tea for oral use, used externally with suitable amount.
Ju hua [菊花]Ju hua it medicinal properties is pungent, bitter and sweet in flavor, slightly cold in nature and attributive to the lung and liver meridian.It’s medical actions is to expel wind and clear away heat, clear liver fire to treat eye disease, and eliminate toxic substances.To clear expel wind and clear away heat, its common mix with jin yin hua [金银花], suan ye [桑叶], gan cao [甘草].To clear away liver fire to treat sys disease, its common mix with suan ye [桑叶], Bo he [薄荷], bai sao [白芍], shen di [生地].To eliminate toxin substances, it’s common mix with jin yin hua [ 金银花 ], chan er zi [ 苍耳子 ], bu gong yin [ 蒲公英 ], di ting cao [ 地丁草 ], gang cao [ 甘草].Usage and dosage is about 10g – 30g is used in decocting for oral use, or soak in boiling water as tea for oral use, used externally with suitable amount.
百药讲坛 @@金银花@@
金银花[ Lonicera japo-n1ea thumb ]本品为忍冬藤植物的花蕾。性味:甘,寒。入肺,胃,心,脾经。功效: 清热解毒。可清气分热和血分热。用于外感风热初起,可配与连翘,甘草,牛旁子,薄荷。用于温病初起, 可配与黄芩,大黄。用于热毒泻痢,可单用浓煎服,或配与黄芩,白芍,马齿苋。用于毒热结聚肠道,入于血分所致的血痢便血,可配与仙鹤草,白头翁。银花藤 [ 忍冬藤]为甘寒清热解毒之品。解毒作用不及金银花,但有通经络的作用,可消除经络之风热而止痛,故常用于风热麻埤机关节红肿热痛得经络不x疏之证。[ 以上所述自供参考 ]
Jin yin hua [金银花]is sweet in flavor, cold in nature and attributive to the lung, heart and stomach meridian.It medical actions is to clear away heat and relieve toxin, disperse wind and heat, eliminate summer heat by cooling.For clear away seasonal heat diseases, it is usually combine with jin jie [京芥 ], Bo he [ 薄荷 ], niu ban zi [牛蒡子 ], ju hua [ 菊花 ], gan cao [ 甘草 ].For relieve toxin, it is combine with pu gong yin [ 蒲公英 ], ye ju hua [ 野菊花 ], di ding cao [ 地丁草 ], gan cao [ 甘草 ].For eliminate summer heat by cooling, it is combine with chan er zi[ 苍耳子 ], ju hua [ 菊花 ], shi gao[ 石膏 ], Zi mu [ 知母 ], gan cao [ 甘草 ], shen di [ 生地 ], bai sao [ 白芍 ].Usage and dosage is about 10g – 30g, decoction for oral use.
Jin yin hua [金银花]is sweet in flavor, cold in nature and attributive to the lung, heart and stomach meridian.It medical actions is to clear away heat and relieve toxin, disperse wind and heat, eliminate summer heat by cooling.For clear away seasonal heat diseases, it is usually combine with jin jie [京芥 ], Bo he [ 薄荷 ], niu ban zi [牛蒡子 ], ju hua [ 菊花 ], gan cao [ 甘草 ].For relieve toxin, it is combine with pu gong yin [ 蒲公英 ], ye ju hua [ 野菊花 ], di ding cao [ 地丁草 ], gan cao [ 甘草 ].For eliminate summer heat by cooling, it is combine with chan er zi[ 苍耳子 ], ju hua [ 菊花 ], shi gao[ 石膏 ], Zi mu [ 知母 ], gan cao [ 甘草 ], shen di [ 生地 ], bai sao [ 白芍 ].Usage and dosage is about 10g – 30g, decoction for oral use.
百药讲坛 @@夏枯草@@
夏枯草[ Prunella vularis L ]性味:苦,辛,寒。入肝,胆经。功效:清肝热,散郁结。用于肝火上炎,目赤肿痛,目珠疼痛,头痛,目眩等症,常配与菊花,草决明,石斛,白芍,当归等药配伍。用于肝气不舒,痰火郁结。可单用,外敷。或可配与元参,川贝母,昆布,海草,海带等同用。郁结之患,得幸则散,火热之邪,得寒则解。夏枯草苦寒泄热,辛能散结,主入肝经,故有清肝火,散郁结之功,为治肝热痰火郁结之要药。现代药理研究:有降血压作用。有利尿作用。有兴奋心脏,扩张血管,增强肠管蠕动作用。用于治疗肺结核,黄疸病,痢疾,腺癌,淋巴癌,肿瘤均有较好的疗效。[ 以上所述只供参考,如何运用应看个人情况而定。]
xia gu cao [夏枯草]xia gu cao it medicinal properties is bitter and pungent in flavor, cold in Nature and attributive to the liver, and gall bladder meridian.It medical actions is to clear away liver fire, disperse stagnation and remove toxic.To clear away liver fire, it uses to combine with ju hua [菊花], shi hu [石斛], cao jue Ming[草决明].To disperse stagnation and remove toxic. It use to combine with jin yin hua [金银花], ye ju hua [野菊花], bei zi cao [北紫草], gan cao [甘草].It usage and dosage is about 15g-30g in decocting for oral used, or decocted into medicinal extract for oral use.
xia gu cao [夏枯草]xia gu cao it medicinal properties is bitter and pungent in flavor, cold in Nature and attributive to the liver, and gall bladder meridian.It medical actions is to clear away liver fire, disperse stagnation and remove toxic.To clear away liver fire, it uses to combine with ju hua [菊花], shi hu [石斛], cao jue Ming[草决明].To disperse stagnation and remove toxic. It use to combine with jin yin hua [金银花], ye ju hua [野菊花], bei zi cao [北紫草], gan cao [甘草].It usage and dosage is about 15g-30g in decocting for oral used, or decocted into medicinal extract for oral use.
百药讲坛 @@蛤蚧@@
蛤蚧[ Gecko gecko L ]本品为守宫科动物蛤蚧去除内脏的尸体。性味:咸,平。入肺,肾经。功效:补肺肾,定喘嗽。用于肾虚气喘,肺虚咳喘等症。本平长于补肺益肾,尤能摄纳肾气,故对虚劳咳嗽,肾虚气喘,肺虚咳嗽等症,可与人参, 伏苓,贝母,甘草等药材配合应用。[ 常用一对 ] 。古代文献:治久咳嗽,肺劳。肺痿咯血,咳嗽上气。蛤蚧补肺气,定喘止渴,功同人参,益阴血,住精扶赢,功同羊肉。
Ge jie [ 蛤蚧]Ge jie is sweet in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and attributive to the lung and kidney meridians. It medical actions are ton invigorates the kidney and nourishes the lung, strengthen yang and body essence, and relive cough and dyspnea.For invigorate the kidney and strengthen the back, it is usually combined with du zhong [杜仲], ba ji [巴戟], niu xi [牛膝], chuan mu gua.For nourish and strengthen the lung, it is usually combined with sha shen [沙参], Tang cao shen [糖抄参], ren shen [人参], he tao rou [核桃肉].For relive cough due to deficiency of the lung and kidney, it is usually combined with shad sheen [沙参], ah Jiao [阿胶], chuan bee [川贝].
Ge jie [ 蛤蚧]Ge jie is sweet in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and attributive to the lung and kidney meridians. It medical actions are ton invigorates the kidney and nourishes the lung, strengthen yang and body essence, and relive cough and dyspnea.For invigorate the kidney and strengthen the back, it is usually combined with du zhong [杜仲], ba ji [巴戟], niu xi [牛膝], chuan mu gua.For nourish and strengthen the lung, it is usually combined with sha shen [沙参], Tang cao shen [糖抄参], ren shen [人参], he tao rou [核桃肉].For relive cough due to deficiency of the lung and kidney, it is usually combined with shad sheen [沙参], ah Jiao [阿胶], chuan bee [川贝].
百药讲坛 @@虫草子实体@@
冬虫草子实体是人工模似冬虫草生长环境,在高温消毒的温室环境下培植而成 的产品。 和野生冬虫草不同的是,人工培植的虫草只有草而没有虫体,品质上亦得到可靠的保证。
其主要功效和冬虫夏草相似。主要用于强化免疫力, 增强心血管功能,调节血压,血糖和胆固醇, 滋阴益肾,壮阳,保护自由基侵害,养颜和抗衰老。用量为3-5克,用沸水冲泡或与药材同炖,视个人喜爱。
Fact about cordyceps sinensis
Replenishes energy, to cope with tiredness and the ageing process.
Nourishes the lungs yin deficiency and the kidneys yang deficiency.
Promote good health, youth and vitality.
Increases vitality and energy.
Supports healthy immune, cardiovascular, kidney and respiratory function.
Enhances circulatory function within the body。
海参的药性平和, 功效补肝益肾, 调理阴阳. 此外海参还富含胶原蛋白, 而胶原蛋白的保健功效十分突出. 具有补.益精血, 通脉增乳, 生津增液, 滋润皮肤, 光泽头发, 减轻胃溃疡的疼痛, 促进溃疡愈合的功效.
Sea cucumber medical action is apply on the kidney and liver. it also benefit to the yin yang balance, come with high level of low fat protein and collagen . it a perfect food for beneficial the blood and skin. it can generated more red blood cells to strengthen the bone, keep beauty the skin and hair. generated more body fluids to keep body flexibility and organ function.
Sea cucumber medical action is apply on the kidney and liver. it also benefit to the yin yang balance, come with high level of low fat protein and collagen . it a perfect food for beneficial the blood and skin. it can generated more red blood cells to strengthen the bone, keep beauty the skin and hair. generated more body fluids to keep body flexibility and organ function.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A。 消除或减低药物的毒性,烈性和副作用。
B。 增强药物的治疗功效。
C。 改变药物的性能,使其适合制疗需要。
D。 便于煎服,制剂和收藏。
E。 除去杂质,非药用部位及不良味道,使药物清洁纯净,便于服用。
By processing of medicinal herbs, we refer to various processes of preparing crude medicinal materials according to the theories of TCM and requirements of therapy, prescription, preparation of form, and storage of Chinese medicinal herbs; it includes common or special treatment of crude or part of crude medicinal materials. since most Chinese medicinal herbs come from the crude plants, of which some are mixed with impurity in the collection process, some may easily change their properties and are not to be storage for a long time, some are violently toxic and are not to be taken directly and may need to be treated in special way so as totally with the need of treatment. Therefore, it is necessary for them to be processed so as to produce satisfactory medicinal effect and ensure safety in clinical practice before their use and preparation.The purposes of processing Chinese medicinal herds as follows:1. Removing or reducing the toxic, drastic properties and side effects of some Chinese medicinal Herbs.2. Promoting therapeutic effects.3. Modifying the natures and actions of Chinese medicinal herbs so as to make them suitable for Therapeutic requirement.4. Facilitating decocting and taking medicine, making preparation and storing medicine.5. Taking away the impurity, non-pharmaceutical parts and unpleasant tastes, thus making the Medicinal herbs clean and pure, and convenient for patients to take.
A。 消除或减低药物的毒性,烈性和副作用。
B。 增强药物的治疗功效。
C。 改变药物的性能,使其适合制疗需要。
D。 便于煎服,制剂和收藏。
E。 除去杂质,非药用部位及不良味道,使药物清洁纯净,便于服用。
By processing of medicinal herbs, we refer to various processes of preparing crude medicinal materials according to the theories of TCM and requirements of therapy, prescription, preparation of form, and storage of Chinese medicinal herbs; it includes common or special treatment of crude or part of crude medicinal materials. since most Chinese medicinal herbs come from the crude plants, of which some are mixed with impurity in the collection process, some may easily change their properties and are not to be storage for a long time, some are violently toxic and are not to be taken directly and may need to be treated in special way so as totally with the need of treatment. Therefore, it is necessary for them to be processed so as to produce satisfactory medicinal effect and ensure safety in clinical practice before their use and preparation.The purposes of processing Chinese medicinal herds as follows:1. Removing or reducing the toxic, drastic properties and side effects of some Chinese medicinal Herbs.2. Promoting therapeutic effects.3. Modifying the natures and actions of Chinese medicinal herbs so as to make them suitable for Therapeutic requirement.4. Facilitating decocting and taking medicine, making preparation and storing medicine.5. Taking away the impurity, non-pharmaceutical parts and unpleasant tastes, thus making the Medicinal herbs clean and pure, and convenient for patients to take.
Friday, November 14, 2008
菇类食品现在流行吃菇,相信大家对菇类食品并不陌生。菇类主要分布在中国的江西,福建,云南等地。菇类食品包括茶树菇,松茸菇,香菇,金针菇,草菇,蘑菇,鸡腿菇,红菇,紫菇,灵芝菇等。各有特色,口味不同。菇类食品是一种高蛋白,低脂肪,少污染,无毒害,集营养,保健理疗于一身的食品。它富含人体所需的天门冬氨酸,谷氨酸等17种氨基酸 [ 特别是人体不能合成的8种氨基酸物质 ] ,和10多种矿物质微量元素与抗癌多糖。在保健方面,菇类食品有滋阳壮阴,美容保健之功效,对肾虚,尿频,水肿,风湿病有独特疗效,对抗癌,降压,抗老化,小儿低热,尿床有较理想的辅助治疗功效。
先用清水冲洗药材一次. 煎药前,先将药物浸泡20-30分钟之后再煎煮,有利于有效成份的煎出。一般先用武火,沸腾后改用文火, 煎煮时间一般为20-30分钟或用3到5碗水煮成一碗.[ 以药剂的大小为标准 ].
A。先煎: 甲壳与矿物药必须先煎〖 沸水后20分钟 〗。
B。后下: 气味芳香的药物,用其挥发油取效的药物
〖 药煮好后下再煮 3-10分钟 〗 。
註『 为方便取药,亲们可以把药方电邮至 或至电传真65341009并留下联络号码。备齐后通知亲来领取或付费代送』
A。先煎: 甲壳与矿物药必须先煎〖 沸水后20分钟 〗。
B。后下: 气味芳香的药物,用其挥发油取效的药物
〖 药煮好后下再煮 3-10分钟 〗 。
註『 为方便取药,亲们可以把药方电邮至 或至电传真65341009并留下联络号码。备齐后通知亲来领取或付费代送』
Methods for decoct drugs:
The drugs are decoct after they have Been thoroughly soaked for 20-30-minutes in order that the active elements may be readily to decoct, special decoting methods should be follow and is noted on the prescription
use 3 to 5 bowl of water and boil in to one Bowl. [ depend on the quantity of the drug Prescription.].
note: [ for your convenient, please email the prescription to or fax the prescription to 65341009 and forward your contact number to us, so we can follow up to get it ready and inform you to collect or pay for delivery.
note: [ for your convenient, please email the prescription to or fax the prescription to 65341009 and forward your contact number to us, so we can follow up to get it ready and inform you to collect or pay for delivery.
霸王花瘦肉汤 [ 润肺止咳,安心宁神 ]
霸王花150g, 无花果4粒,南北杏仁 50g,红枣5-10粒,瘦肉300g-500g 盐适量。 先把霸王花用温水泡软洗净,把红枣去核,无花果切开,清洗干净,洗干净瘦肉,飞水后冲干净。烧滚适量水,放入霸王花,无花果,红枣和瘦肉,水滚后改慢火煲3小时。
功效:润肺止咳,安心宁神, 调节脾胃消化系统,减轻压力。很适合大人,小孩,老人饮用, 味道甜美。
Ba wan hua 150g, red dates 5-10 pieces, wu hua guo , nan bei xin ren and lean pork 300g-500g salt 。soak and Wash ba wang hua with warm water and wash red dates, scald and rinse lean pork.Bring a suitable amount of water to the boil. Add ba wang hua, wu hua guo, nan bei xin ren and red dates, and bring to the boil again. Reduce to low heat and cook for 3 hour. Season with salt.
功效:润肺止咳,安心宁神, 调节脾胃消化系统,减轻压力。很适合大人,小孩,老人饮用, 味道甜美。
Ba wan hua 150g, red dates 5-10 pieces, wu hua guo , nan bei xin ren and lean pork 300g-500g salt 。soak and Wash ba wang hua with warm water and wash red dates, scald and rinse lean pork.Bring a suitable amount of water to the boil. Add ba wang hua, wu hua guo, nan bei xin ren and red dates, and bring to the boil again. Reduce to low heat and cook for 3 hour. Season with salt.
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