Sunday, November 16, 2008

百药讲坛 @@蛤蚧@@

蛤蚧[ Gecko gecko L ]本品为守宫科动物蛤蚧去除内脏的尸体。性味:咸,平。入肺,肾经。功效:补肺肾,定喘嗽。用于肾虚气喘,肺虚咳喘等症。本平长于补肺益肾,尤能摄纳肾气,故对虚劳咳嗽,肾虚气喘,肺虚咳嗽等症,可与人参, 伏苓,贝母,甘草等药材配合应用。[ 常用一对 ] 。古代文献:治久咳嗽,肺劳。肺痿咯血,咳嗽上气。蛤蚧补肺气,定喘止渴,功同人参,益阴血,住精扶赢,功同羊肉。

Ge jie [ 蛤蚧]Ge jie is sweet in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and attributive to the lung and kidney meridians. It medical actions are ton invigorates the kidney and nourishes the lung, strengthen yang and body essence, and relive cough and dyspnea.For invigorate the kidney and strengthen the back, it is usually combined with du zhong [杜仲], ba ji [巴戟], niu xi [牛膝], chuan mu gua.For nourish and strengthen the lung, it is usually combined with sha shen [沙参], Tang cao shen [糖抄参], ren shen [人参], he tao rou [核桃肉].For relive cough due to deficiency of the lung and kidney, it is usually combined with shad sheen [沙参], ah Jiao [阿胶], chuan bee [川贝].

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