Sunday, November 16, 2008

百药讲坛 @@夏枯草@@

夏枯草[ Prunella vularis L ]性味:苦,辛,寒。入肝,胆经。功效:清肝热,散郁结。用于肝火上炎,目赤肿痛,目珠疼痛,头痛,目眩等症,常配与菊花,草决明,石斛,白芍,当归等药配伍。用于肝气不舒,痰火郁结。可单用,外敷。或可配与元参,川贝母,昆布,海草,海带等同用。郁结之患,得幸则散,火热之邪,得寒则解。夏枯草苦寒泄热,辛能散结,主入肝经,故有清肝火,散郁结之功,为治肝热痰火郁结之要药。现代药理研究:有降血压作用。有利尿作用。有兴奋心脏,扩张血管,增强肠管蠕动作用。用于治疗肺结核,黄疸病,痢疾,腺癌,淋巴癌,肿瘤均有较好的疗效。[ 以上所述只供参考,如何运用应看个人情况而定。]

xia gu cao [夏枯草]xia gu cao it medicinal properties is bitter and pungent in flavor, cold in Nature and attributive to the liver, and gall bladder meridian.It medical actions is to clear away liver fire, disperse stagnation and remove toxic.To clear away liver fire, it uses to combine with ju hua [菊花], shi hu [石斛], cao jue Ming[草决明].To disperse stagnation and remove toxic. It use to combine with jin yin hua [金银花], ye ju hua [野菊花], bei zi cao [北紫草], gan cao [甘草].It usage and dosage is about 15g-30g in decocting for oral used, or decocted into medicinal extract for oral use.

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