Tuesday, November 18, 2008

百药讲坛 @@玉竹 [ 海竹 ]@@

玉竹 [ 海竹 ]
玉竹原名为葳蕤[wei rui] ,又称萎蕤。长于养阴,补而不腻,适用于内热燔灼,耗伤肺胃津液等症候。养阴之功与麦冬,天冬相似。但麦冬可清心,天冬能滋肾,玉竹则专治肺,胃燥热,三者各有所长。
[ 以上所述只供参考,运用因个人情况而定。]
yu zhu [玉竹]
yu zhu is sweet in flavor, slightly cold and attributive to the lung and stomach meridians.
It medical actions is to nourish yin and moisten the dryness, regenerate the body fluids to relieve thirst.
For dry cough with less sputum due to yin deficiency and lung dryness. It is usually combined with sha she [沙参], maim eng dong [麦门冬].
For febrile disease with consumption of the body fluids manifested as fever accompanied with restlessness, it is usually combined with shen di [生地], mai meng dong [麦门冬].
For diabetes due to internal heat, combined with shen di [生地], tian hua fen [天花粉], shi hu [石斛].
It usage and dosage is about 15g – 30g in used in decoction for oral use.

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