Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Select the correct medication, would be the best treatment, especially for traditional Chinese medicine.
Chinese medicine to serve the time under the conditions and the nature of the drug to set. Most of the drug should be taken after meals, especially the drug benefit (such as ginseng), stomach medicine (for example, Bupiyichang pill) and gastrointestinal irritation of the larger drug (such as mannose disinfection tablets); drugs and insecticide-treated (Such as Wu Mei) and some medicine for diarrhea (such as Dachengqitang), when taken on an empty stomach is good; soothe the nerves in the category of traditional Chinese medicine should be taken before going to bed. However, whether in the medication before eating or after a meal, should have half an hour to 1 hour intervals, so as not to affect efficacy.
In general, oral medicine usually takes 3 times a day. The disease can ease the daily oral 2; disease and serious more drastic action, according to a doctor's instructions, every 4 hours or so a medication that does not stop at night so that the drug continued to help alleviate the symptoms more quickly To alleviate the condition.
Most of the dose of Chinese medicine should take the temperature, sweating medicine to be medicine to help serve hot, heat and cold medicine after taking the best release.

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