Thursday, February 11, 2010

百药讲坛 @@广西虫草@@

本品为百合科植物的根茎。性味:甘,微寒,入肺,脾经。功效:止咳化痰,肺痈痰稠,清热散结。用于肺虚久咳,痰少咽燥。常与石斛,沙参,麦冬,天冬,糖抄参同用。用于肺痈痰稠。常与芦根,以仁,冬瓜仁,冬瓜皮,鱼腥草等药同用。一般上广西虫草都是用在炖汤为多。你可以试用党参30克,玉竹50克,淮山20克,百合20克,川芎3片,老陈皮三分之一片。瘦肉300克,清水5碗半,用大火煮沸,改用小火慢煮3小时。此汤剂名为[ 虫草滋补汤 ]对一般虚痨咳嗽,有痰等症有一定疗效.
Guan xi chong cao [广西虫草]Guan xi chong cao is sweet in flavor, slightly cold in nature and attributive to the lung and spleen. And it medical actions is to relieve cough and resolve phlegm, clear heat and disperse stagnation.It is usually combined with nan bei xin ren [南北杏仁], tang cao shen [糖抄参], sha shen[ 沙参], yu zhu [玉竹],dang shen [党参] , fu shen [茯神] .You can use guan xi chong cao[广西虫草]30g, dang shen[党参]30g, yu zhu [玉竹]50g, huai shan [淮山]20g, bai he [百合]20g, chuan xiong [川芎]3p, lao chen pi [老陈皮]1/3p. Pork meat 300g-500g, and water 5and a half bowl, bring the water into the boil and turn into low fire and boil for 3 hours.It is good for cough and phlegm due to stress and deficiency of the spleen and stomach function.

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