Thursday, February 11, 2010

百药讲坛 @@茯苓[ 卷茯苓] poria@@

Fu ling [ juan fu ling ]Fu ling is sweet, bland in flavor, mild in nature and attributive to the heart, the spleen and the kidney meridians.It medical actions are to promote diuresis to resolve dampness and invigorate the function of the spleen and tranquilize the mind.In used for diuresis and edema caused by hypo function of bladder qi, it can combine with zhu ling [ 猪苓] ,bai zhu [ 白术], ze xie [ 泽泻]。In used for spleen deficiency caused by dampness and retention of fluid.It combines with dang shen [党参] , bei qi [北芪], bai zhu [白术] ,yi mi [薏米] 。In used for deficiency of the heart and spleen manifested as restlessness, palpitation and insomnia, it can combine with huang qi [黄芪] , ren shen [人参] , dang GUI [当归] , yuan zi [远志] , long yan [龙眼] 。The usage and dosage is about 15g – 30g, decocting for oral use.Fu ling is a common use Chinese herbs. You can easily find it in few common Chinese herbs prescription like ba zhen tang [ 八珍汤] , si quan da bu tang [ 十全大补汤] ,and shi shen tang [ 四神汤] 。
[ 以上所述只供参考,运用因个人情况而定。]

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